GraphQL – Top 25 Interview Questions

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request only the data they need, providing a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional REST APIs. Here are the top 25 interview questions for GraphQL along with detailed answers:

1. What is GraphQL, and how does it differ from REST?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. It allows clients to request exactly the data they need from the server and nothing more, enabling more efficient data fetching compared to traditional REST APIs, where multiple endpoints are often required to retrieve related data.

2. What are the core building blocks of a GraphQL schema?

The core building blocks of a GraphQL schema are:

  • Types: Define the shape of data available in the API.
  • Queries: Specify how clients can read data from the API.
  • Mutations: Specify how clients can write data to the API.
  • Subscriptions: Specify how clients can listen for real-time updates from the API.

3. What are GraphQL Scalars?

GraphQL Scalars are primitive data types representing the leaves of a GraphQL query. Scalars can be built-in (such as Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID) or custom scalar types defined by the schema.

4. What is a GraphQL resolver?

A GraphQL resolver is a function responsible for fetching the data for a specific field in a GraphQL query. Resolvers are defined for each field in the schema and are executed to resolve the value of that field at runtime.

5. How does GraphQL handle versioning?

GraphQL does not have built-in support for versioning like REST APIs. Instead, GraphQL schemas are designed to be evolutionary, allowing developers to add new types and fields without breaking existing clients. Clients specify the exact fields they need in each request, so changes to the schema do not impact them.

6. What is the difference between a query and a mutation in GraphQL?


  • Query: Used to read data from the API. Queries are executed in parallel, and their results are predictable and cacheable.
  • Mutation: Used to write or modify data in the API. Mutations are executed serially, and their order is guaranteed. They can cause side effects on the server.

7. How does GraphQL handle over-fetching and under-fetching?


  • Over-fetching: In REST APIs, over-fetching occurs when the server returns more data than the client needs. GraphQL eliminates over-fetching by allowing clients to specify exactly the data they need in each query.
  • Under-fetching: In REST APIs, under-fetching occurs when the client needs to make multiple requests to fetch related data. GraphQL reduces under-fetching by enabling clients to retrieve all required data in a single query using nested fields.

8. What are GraphQL Fragments?

GraphQL Fragments are reusable units of query syntax that define sets of fields. They allow clients to compose complex queries by combining fragments and can be included in queries to avoid repetition of field selections.

9. How does GraphQL handle errors?

GraphQL uses a standardized error format to represent errors in the response. Errors are returned alongside successful data in the response payload, allowing clients to distinguish between successful and failed parts of the request. Each error includes a message, optional locations (for syntax errors), and optional error extensions for additional information.

10. What is GraphQL Schema Stitching?

GraphQL Schema Stitching is a technique used to combine multiple GraphQL schemas into a single, unified schema. It allows developers to compose a single GraphQL API from multiple underlying services or schemas, enabling federated data fetching.

11. What are GraphQL Directives?

GraphQL Directives are used to provide additional instructions to the GraphQL execution engine. They can be attached to fields, fragments, or operations and modify the behavior of the query execution. Common directives include @include, @skip, and custom directives defined by the schema.

12. What is the difference between GraphQL and REST in terms of caching?

In REST APIs, caching is typically based on HTTP caching mechanisms like ETags and cache control headers. GraphQL does not have built-in caching mechanisms, but caching can still be implemented at the application level using techniques like persisted queries, response caching, and DataLoader for batching and caching requests.

13. How does GraphQL handle security?

GraphQL does not inherently provide security features but can be secured using standard web security practices. This includes authentication mechanisms like OAuth, JWT, or API keys for validating user identity, authorization checks in resolvers to control access to data, and input validation to prevent malicious queries.

14. What are GraphQL Subscriptions?

GraphQL Subscriptions allow clients to receive real-time updates from the server over a persistent connection. Subscriptions are defined similar to queries and mutations but use a different execution model to support push-based updates.

15. How do you handle file uploads in GraphQL?

GraphQL itself does not provide native support for file uploads, but file uploads can be handled using multipart/form-data requests in combination with HTTP middleware or libraries like Apollo Server Upload and graphql-upload.

16. What is the Apollo Client, and how does it work with GraphQL?

Apollo Client is a comprehensive GraphQL client for JavaScript that enables developers to consume GraphQL APIs from frontend applications. It provides features like caching, local state management, and subscription support. Apollo Client works with GraphQL by sending queries and mutations to a GraphQL server and managing the client-side cache.

17. How do you handle pagination in GraphQL?

Pagination in GraphQL is typically implemented using cursor-based pagination or offset-based pagination. Cursor-based pagination uses opaque cursor strings to paginate through results efficiently, while offset-based pagination uses numeric offsets to fetch pages of data.

18. What are GraphQL Introspection Queries?

GraphQL Introspection Queries allow clients to query the GraphQL schema itself to discover available types, fields, and directives. Introspection queries are useful for tools like GraphQL IDEs, documentation generators, and client libraries to provide autocomplete, validation, and schema exploration features.

19. How do you handle batch operations in GraphQL?

Batch operations in GraphQL can be handled using techniques like batching requests using DataLoader, which allows multiple data-fetching operations to be batched and executed in a single request. This reduces the number of round-trips between the client and server, improving performance.

20. What are some best practices for designing GraphQL schemas?


  • **Start with a clear domain model:** Design your schema based on your domain model, focusing on the entities, relationships, and operations required by your application.
  • Use descriptive type names: Use meaningful names for types, fields, and operations to improve readability and understanding.
  • Keep the schema predictable: Avoid changing existing types and fields frequently to maintain compatibility with clients.
  • Normalize nested structures: Use nested types and connections to represent complex data relationships and avoid deep nesting in queries.
  • Provide meaningful documentation: Document types, fields, and operations using descriptions to help clients understand their purpose and usage.

21. How do you handle authentication and authorization in GraphQL?

Authentication and authorization in GraphQL can be implemented using middleware or resolver-level checks. Authentication mechanisms like JWT tokens or API keys can be used to verify user identity, while authorization checks can be performed in resolvers to control access to specific fields or operations based on user roles or permissions.

22. What are some common performance optimizations for GraphQL?


  • Query batching: Combine multiple queries into a single request to reduce round-trips between the client and server.
  • Caching: Implement caching strategies at the client and server to avoid redundant data fetching.
  • DataLoader: Use DataLoader to batch and cache data-fetching requests in resolvers to optimize database queries.
  • Pagination: Implement efficient pagination strategies to limit the amount of data returned in each request.
  • Schema complexity analysis: Analyze the complexity of your schema and queries to identify potential performance bottlenecks and optimize as needed.

23. How do you handle errors and exceptions in GraphQL?

Errors and exceptions in GraphQL can be handled using standard error handling techniques in the programming language or framework used to implement the GraphQL server. This includes try-catch blocks, error middleware, or custom error handling logic in resolvers to return appropriate error messages to clients.

24. What are some common tools and libraries used with GraphQL?


  • Apollo Client: A comprehensive GraphQL client for JavaScript that works with React, Vue.js, and Angular.
  • Apollo Server: A GraphQL server implementation for Node.js that integrates with popular web frameworks like Express.
  • GraphiQL: An interactive GraphQL IDE for exploring and testing GraphQL APIs.
  • GraphQL Code Generator: A tool for generating TypeScript typings, client-side code, and server-side code from GraphQL schemas and operations.
  • Prisma: A GraphQL toolkit and ORM for building GraphQL APIs and accessing databases.

25. How do you optimize GraphQL subscriptions for real-time updates?

To optimize GraphQL subscriptions for real-time updates, consider:

  • Efficient data fetching: Optimize subscription resolvers to fetch only the data needed for updates.
  • Connection management: Use WebSocket connection pooling and keep-alive mechanisms to manage WebSocket connections efficiently.
  • Payload size: Minimize the size of subscription payloads by sending only essential data over the WebSocket connection.
  • Batching updates: Batch multiple updates into a single message to reduce network overhead and improve performance.

These questions and answers cover a wide range of topics related to GraphQL, including its features, architecture, best practices, performance optimizations, and tools.

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