Kafka – Top 25 Interview Questions

Let’s discuss the top 25 interview questions for Kafka along with detailed answers:

1. What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events per day. It is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Kafka is designed to be fault-tolerant, scalable, and durable.

2. How does Kafka work?

Kafka works by publishing records to a topic, which is a named stream of records. Producers write data to topics, and consumers read data from topics. Kafka brokers manage the storage and retrieval of records. Topics are partitioned, and each partition is replicated for fault tolerance.

3. What are the key components of Kafka?

The key components of Kafka are:

  • Producer: Publishes messages to a Kafka topic.
  • Consumer: Subscribes to a Kafka topic to read messages.
  • Broker: A Kafka server that stores and serves data.
  • Topic: A named stream of records.
  • Partition: A subset of a topic that enables parallelism.
  • Zookeeper: Manages metadata and cluster coordination (though newer versions are moving away from Zookeeper).

4. What is a Kafka topic?

A Kafka topic is a category or feed name to which records are published. Topics are partitioned, allowing for parallel processing and scalability. Each topic can have multiple partitions, and each partition can be replicated across brokers.

5. Explain Kafka partitions and their role.

Partitions are the fundamental unit of scalability and parallelism in Kafka. A topic is divided into partitions, and each partition is an ordered, immutable sequence of records. Partitions allow Kafka to distribute data across multiple brokers and enable parallel processing by consumers.

6. What is a Kafka consumer group?

A Kafka consumer group is a group of consumers that work together to consume messages from one or more topics. Each consumer in the group processes messages from different partitions, providing scalability and fault tolerance. If a consumer fails, another consumer in the group will take over its partitions.

7. How does Kafka ensure message durability?

Kafka ensures message durability by writing messages to disk and replicating them across multiple brokers. Each partition can have multiple replicas, and at least one replica must acknowledge the write before the producer considers the message successfully sent.

8. What is Kafka’s offset?

An offset is a unique identifier assigned to each record within a partition. It represents the position of the record within the partition. Consumers use offsets to track their progress and ensure they process each record exactly once.

9. How does Kafka handle message retention?

Kafka handles message retention using configurable retention policies. Messages can be retained based on time (e.g., keep messages for 7 days) or size (e.g., keep up to 1GB of messages per partition). Once the retention limit is reached, older messages are deleted to free up space.

10. What is the role of Zookeeper in Kafka?

Zookeeper manages metadata and coordinates the Kafka cluster. It tracks broker status, maintains topic and partition configurations, and handles leader election for partitions. However, newer Kafka versions are moving towards removing the dependency on Zookeeper.

11. How do you achieve exactly-once semantics in Kafka?

Exactly-once semantics in Kafka can be achieved using idempotent producers and transactional APIs. Idempotent producers ensure that retries do not result in duplicate messages, while transactional APIs allow producers to write to multiple partitions atomically.

12. What is the difference between Kafka Streams and Kafka Connect?


  • Kafka Streams: A library for building stream processing applications using Kafka. It allows developers to process and analyze data stored in Kafka topics in real-time.
  • Kafka Connect: A framework for integrating Kafka with external systems. It provides connectors to move data between Kafka and other data sources/sinks like databases, file systems, and message queues.

13. What is a Kafka producer acknowledgment?

Producer acknowledgments (acks) are a setting in Kafka that determines when a producer receives confirmation that a message has been successfully written to a partition. The acks setting can be configured as:

  • acks=0: No acknowledgment from the broker is required.
  • acks=1: The leader broker must acknowledge the write.
  • acks=all or acks=-1: All in-sync replicas must acknowledge the write for maximum durability.

14. How does Kafka handle fault tolerance?

Kafka handles fault tolerance through replication. Each partition has multiple replicas spread across different brokers. If the leader of a partition fails, one of the in-sync replicas is promoted to be the new leader, ensuring continuous availability of data.

15. What is the Kafka message format?

A Kafka message (or record) consists of the following components:

  • Key: An optional identifier for the message.
  • Value: The actual data payload.
  • Timestamp: The time the message was produced.
  • Headers: Optional metadata for the message.

16. Explain the concept of Kafka’s log compaction.

Log compaction is a Kafka feature that ensures at least the latest record for each key is retained in a partition. It allows for efficient storage and retrieval of state by compacting older records, keeping only the most recent update for each key.

17. How do Kafka producers handle retries?

Kafka producers handle retries using the retries configuration setting. When a producer fails to send a message, it will retry sending the message up to the configured number of times. Additionally, retry.backoff.ms can be configured to control the wait time between retries.

18. What are Kafka Connectors?

Kafka Connectors are plug-ins used with Kafka Connect to source data into Kafka topics or sink data from Kafka topics to external systems. There are source connectors (e.g., for databases, file systems) and sink connectors (e.g., for databases, file systems).

19. What is a Kafka topic compaction policy?

A Kafka topic compaction policy determines how Kafka retains messages in a topic. The two primary policies are:

  • Delete: Retains messages for a configured retention period or size.
  • Compact: Retains only the latest record for each key, removing older versions of records with the same key.

20. How do you monitor a Kafka cluster?

Monitoring a Kafka cluster involves tracking various metrics such as broker health, topic and partition status, consumer lag, and throughput. Tools like Kafka Manager, Confluent Control Center, Prometheus, and Grafana can be used for monitoring and alerting.

21. What is Kafka Streams’ state store?

A state store in Kafka Streams is a local storage mechanism used to keep track of the processing state. It allows stream processing applications to maintain and query state information, enabling features like windowed aggregations and joins.

22. How do you achieve load balancing in Kafka?

Load balancing in Kafka is achieved through partitioning. Producers distribute messages across partitions, and consumers in a consumer group are assigned different partitions. This allows for parallel processing and efficient resource utilization.

23. How does Kafka ensure data consistency?

Kafka ensures data consistency through partition leaders and in-sync replicas. Producers write to the partition leader, which then replicates the data to followers. Consumers read from the partition leader, ensuring they receive consistent data.

24. What are Kafka consumer offsets, and how are they managed?

Consumer offsets indicate the position of the last consumed message in a partition. Offsets are managed by the consumer and can be committed to Kafka’s internal offset topic or an external storage system. This ensures that consumers can resume processing from the correct position after a failure.

25. How does Kafka handle schema evolution?

Kafka handles schema evolution through the use of schema registries, such as Confluent Schema Registry. Schema registries store and manage schemas for Kafka messages, enabling producers and consumers to evolve schemas over time while maintaining compatibility. Schema evolution rules (like backward or forward compatibility) ensure that changes to the schema do not break existing applications.

These questions and answers provide a comprehensive overview of Apache Kafka, covering its architecture, components, features, and best practices.

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