How to learn Java??? Where to start???

This is one of the basic questions that every beginner has. Where to start, where to find  resources to learn, what path to follow, do I have to learn everything that is out there. Ohh!! slow down take a deep breath, its easier than it looks like. You just need 5 minutes of your time to understand what is going on and what is required to start learning Java.

Lets look at some of the fundamental concepts to start with and understand how Java follows those and how those concepts are implemented using Java and follow this post to setup Java environment.

Why Java? What advantages does Java provide compared to other programming languages?
Why is Java called an Object Oriented Programming Language?
What are the official keywords in Java?
What are some basic data types supported in Java?
Main block, the entry into a Java program.
What is control flow and decision making statements in Java?
What is a Class? What is an Instance? What is an Object?
What are Access and Non-Access modifiers in Java?
Object oriented concepts Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Overriding.
What is Garbage Collection? Once you understand the concept of objects in Java, you have to understand how Java handles creation, destruction and cleanup of those objects in the background.
What is an Interface? Abstract class?
What are data structures? What is collections framework in Java? Hierarchy of those collections? List, Map and Set Interfaces and their underlying implementations.
What is Thread? What is Multi-threading?
What is Exception Handling? How does Java handle exceptions?

We will start with these core concepts first. Dig each of them more deeper and implement some examples.

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